During my 7th sem hols, in November 2002, I planned a small trip to Kodaikanal with my friends. This is the time for a brief description of my gang of friends : we were 4 , R.J.Karthik (RJ), V.Naresh (V2), S.S.Subramanian (subbu) & of course yours truly ME. We were the laziest bunch of people ever, we would make big plans to go somewhere and one of us wud have some stooopid reason to not make it and the whole plan wud fail.

Anyway this time I was not gonna let them escape and I successfully planned the trip and managed to convince all of them.
In fact V2 suddenly invited the hermit of our class, vengadesh ( some of my class girls used to call him a samiyar (hermit) because he avoids going out with other people) and boy o boy we were surprised when he agreed to come with us.
(From L to R - Subbu,Venga,RJ,V2 and lying in the middle MOI)
So the 5 of us were ready to go on our first out-station trip without adult supervision :-).
We stayed in Sterling resorts (Lake View), it was a nice place it was facing the Kodai Lake.
I have to blog about some of the really nice things that we did then :
1)We wanted to go to the town so we rented some bicycles and went around the lake. We thought that we would make breakfast the next morning and so we bought some eggs and bread. This was winter season so around 5PM the entire place became very dark and so we started to make our way back. But we decided to cycle around the lake (man that was a mistake) .. the entire road around the lake was pitch dark .. there was no light and not a soul on the road.

Subbu had to carry the eggs inside his jacket and we were all expecting his jacket to be soaked with egg yolk. Imagine 5 guys who can barely see a few inches before them cycling & carrying eggs ... we were totally lost in the middle and we just went ahead on the road and finally came to a small shop, got the right directions and finally made it to our rooms.My god that was a thrilling experience and kudos to subbu to manage the trip without breaking even a single egg. all along the way we were teasing subbu that he was gonna break the eggs but he proved us wrong.
2)Of course while we were there we heard from another friend that our scores for 7th sem had been announced and I was really happy to have crossed the 9 GPA for the first time in my college life :-)

3)On the last evening we were watching TV and we saw a video of 5 Star and subbu was commenting that the heroine was kinda cute ..but i was a little apprehensive as she reminded me of another average looking girl from my college,& when I mentioned this everyone were like oh mannnn their image of the cute girl romancing the screen was now totally blurred out. Subbu ,v2 ,rj & Venga agreed that I was right and they certainly stopped thinking of the 5 star heroine.
I can't think of anyother interesting things that happened , but we all thouroughly enjoyed the time we shared together and i hope none of us will ever forget it.
-- To my friends : Guys do add in the comments if you remember anything else O.K ;-)