Moi - an entrepreneur

I recently remembered something which I had done with a bunch of friends from my neighborhood. We were 4 : Shyam, Karthik, Jainik and myself, i am not sure if karthik was involved in this event which i shall tell now.
( the photo does not have karthik - but the brats on it are ( from L to R) Shyam,Me,Jainik & rahul)
Somehow one of us got an idea to have a sort of carnival in our street and we managed to secure jainik's first floor for conducting the games. You should have seen us then .. all pip squeaks without an iota of business knowledge.
So we went about deciding what games we would have, i remember some of them being : brainvita ( the marble game) and some other small board games.. i really can't remember the details. The prizes were school items like Pencils , sharpeners etc.
And the marketing method we used then was door to door invites.. we divided the whole street equally and went to all houses which had kids. I still remember one episode when we were thinking of all the kid's names , Shyam wrote down a guy called Kanagavel as Thengavel ( which translates to Coconut-vel) we were all rolling on the floor with laughter.
It was real fun working together and organizing that small carnival.
So anyway we went to the houses and said that we were having a carnival and the entry was (i think) 10Rs per child and they could play any number of games they wanted...
I think this was in the early 1990's I don't remember exactly.
The carnival day came and kids did turn up and we were making a little money but we were just about breaking even , then suddenly Jainik's cousins about4-7 of them turned up and took part and thanks to them we made a tidy profit. The fun lasted around 2-4 hours.
The carnival was just OK ..come on what can a gang of 4 whose average age was 10 achieve huh.
we used up the entire first floor of J's house and finally in the evening we divided the profits
equally and had a little money remaining which we gave to J's mother. Now when i think about it, she really helped us a lot and encouraged us and certainly deserved more than what we gave her :-).
Now when I think about it I have lost a lot of the qualities which I had then .. I am still wondering how I had the guts to knock at several people's doors and invite them to a fair. I dunno who got the idea and I don't even know how I could have been so enterprising ..
I wish I still have those qualities hidden within me. I was looking like a bloody Martian then.
I am really glad that I remembered that incident as i am slowly forgetting a lot of my childhood.
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