SSK Chronicles

Everything here is straight from my heart : nuthin more nuthin less. This is my place to pour out the Emotions smouldering within me...

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Location: West Lafayette, Indiana, United States

hmm I think of myself as paradoxical : A non vegetarian who doesnt like to kill or hurt other living things, A ceaseless romantic who sometimes thinks that relationships are just not worth gettin into since someone eventually gets hurt, A dreamer who ends up being more realistic, A pessimist who hides his optimism in pessimism & finally just another normal human being.

Thursday, August 24, 2006

disinformation or information

Disclaimer : I am sure a lot of other people may have got the same ideas that I will be writing about below. & I have nothing against anyone or any country.

The world is now called a global village .. news gets around faster than light (hyperbole).

what is information : Information according to my good old 8th standard/grade textbook is Data which is meaningful.

thanks to all the technology we have now .. anything that happens in one corner of the world is known to the rest of the world in a matter of minutes.

So think how easy it will be to spread a rumor ??? If you have some website which has a lot of viewers and you manage to post some false but shocking news on it .. a lot of people will believe that news and help spread it around too.

nowadays a lot of news reports needs to be taken with a lot of salt .. sensationalism is here to stay :( even a small mishap is blown up to an enormous accident.

what proof does the viewer have that the event ever occurred...

So a state of fear can be easily created by creating such news ... 'V' for Vendetta had a country whose top authorities had a channel which would spread disinformation to the citizens.. and this must be happening in real life in a lot of countries ruled by dictators.

I have a lot more opinions on this but nowadays a blog is considered to be enough proof to indicate that you are acting against someone ;-) ... so no more comments.

Monday, August 14, 2006

blog block

have u heard of the writers block .. i seem to have one now.

I met a great & positivie looking lady and it is great to talk to her ;-)

I will blog about my new friendhip soon but sorry for the very few updates in my blog.

I willl start in a few days.

Thanks for dropping in guys !!

Wednesday, August 02, 2006


The happiest place in the world - this is how DisneyLand is called ;-)
And it is true as it brings laughter to all the children irrespective of any class difference.

Ever since my childhood I have wanted to visit Disneyland and see the carnival. Primary reason was : My dad showed me pics of his trip to Japan's DisneyLand. & after more than 20 years my wish has come true.

I saw the Disney carnival and am still awed by the gaiety of it. In fact I bought an annual ticket so that I can enjoy it several more times.

Of course some people might say DL is for kids ...but i think this a place where people of all ages can enjoy :-) ...the parade was certainly the best part.. all the little children were smiling and that itself was beautiful

i saw a little girl dressed a Tinkerbell ...she looked sooooo sweeeeeeeetttt.