SSK Chronicles

Everything here is straight from my heart : nuthin more nuthin less. This is my place to pour out the Emotions smouldering within me...

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Location: West Lafayette, Indiana, United States

hmm I think of myself as paradoxical : A non vegetarian who doesnt like to kill or hurt other living things, A ceaseless romantic who sometimes thinks that relationships are just not worth gettin into since someone eventually gets hurt, A dreamer who ends up being more realistic, A pessimist who hides his optimism in pessimism & finally just another normal human being.

Saturday, January 20, 2007

all time fav movies : Babys Day Out

Come on people honestly tell me if you havent laughed your belly off while watching babys day out.

The baby Bink twins will be nearly 14 years old now .. the movie was released in 1994 and I remember I had seen it in one of the movie theatres in Chennai..i must have been 15 years old when I saw it.

The movie was downright goofy with unbelievable scenes..but man it had the magic .. a reallllly cute baby and 3 silly guys to provide all the comic relief I wud ever need ;-)

I love the lighting the match under the goon's balls scene and of course the gorilla scene.. ROTFL :))))))

I dunno if the current gen kids will ever see such a funny movie..they are too much into the XBox PS3 Wii mania. sad but true.

alright boo boo signing off ;-)

Tuesday, January 16, 2007

all the hoopla bout marriage

Alright I am 25 years old and working for one of the "top" companies in India :p so does that make me a prime property in the marriage market ???

Boy the extended network of the great Indian family certainly has its advantages.

But I don't like being treated like I am some thing to be marketed ..and boy I must say that the girls will be having a much more harder time warding off the proposals. I am getting feelers sent by the extended network(EN) thru my parents and I am like what the helll fact some of them even skipped my parents and asked me straight.

I guess I am glad I am not in Chennai..because I am sure I would have been a marked man..marked for marriage :(

As of now I am dodging by saying I will wait till I am 28 ;-) lets see if I can reach 28 being single.
I know a girl my age would certainly be a whole lot more mature than me :-( (I learnt this the hard way when my friend from school who is happily married chided me for being childish).

How does this arranged marriage work ?? Is there a FDLC (Family development Life Cycle) for this ;-)

lemme try an FDLC :

1) Ur dad/mom's uncle will have a distant cousin who will have a girl of the right age for marriage (please dont ask me what is a girl's right age for marriage)
2) IFFFFFF you are ready to start a family .. horoscopes and photos will be exchanged
3) At both sides of the family an initial appraisal is done i.e if the girl or boy looks good in the photo (of course the poor boy will never know what the girl really looks like since she will be wearing layers of makeup in the photo :p)
4) So if things go well goto step 5 else restart at step 1 with a distant uncle ;-)
5) The girls family will meet the boys family (meanwhile a series of background checks through various nefarious :p methods will be done)
6) Then the Boy along with his parents will go and see the girl (point 5 & 6 can be interchanged i dont know the exact process)
7) Boy and girl have to confirm if they like each other
8) Then in the following days the boy and girl chat for hours on the phone , go out together, read each others blogs, check out each other orkut profiles blah blah blah and try their best to understand each other.
9) Then the nitchayathartham (engagement) happens and the day of the marriage will b fixed
10) More of point 8 :p
11) The Wedding reception will be held before the day of the marriage ( An amazing concept in Indian marriages wherein the boy and girl participate (i.e stand like 2 idiots smiling at and shaking everybodys hands for about 3 hours) in their wedding reception even before they are officially married)
12) FINALLY the boy and girl get married and then
all hell breaks loose

P.S In case after 3 years my future wife reads this remember I am only 25 while writing this and I am childish right now.

Wednesday, January 10, 2007

so true :(

Man is the religious animal. He is the only religious animal that has the
true religion -- several of them. He is the only animal that loves his
neighbor as himself and cuts his throat if his theology isn't straight.
-Mark Twain, author and humorist (1835-1910)