all time fav movies : Babys Day Out

Come on people honestly tell me if you havent laughed your belly off while watching babys day out.
The baby Bink twins will be nearly 14 years old now .. the movie was released in 1994 and I remember I had seen it in one of the movie theatres in Chennai..i must have been 15 years old when I saw it.
The movie was downright goofy with unbelievable scenes..but man it had the magic .. a reallllly cute baby and 3 silly guys to provide all the comic relief I wud ever need ;-)
I love the lighting the match under the goon's balls scene and of course the gorilla scene.. ROTFL :))))))
I dunno if the current gen kids will ever see such a funny movie..they are too much into the XBox PS3 Wii mania. sad but true.
alright boo boo signing off ;-)
WII rocks... i dont speak for the kids though, but still WII rules :P
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