simply chocalicious

My pal Naresh (a PURDUE MBA student) suggested chocolate milk with cereal as breakfast and so I tried it.
And it is sinfully delicious slurrrpppppp ..yummmmyyyyyy.
But i feel so guilty having chocolate milk for cereal that I am changing back to the normal good old 2% reduced fat milk :-)
Dont ask why ..cos it just doesnt feel right ..chocolate milk is not made for breakfast it is just sumthing you have in a cup by itself not mix with cereal.
.. hmm boy what a pointless post huh.
Oct 20th is the deadline for Kellogg & 25th is the deadline for UCLA.
& Nov 6th for UC Berkeley ..these deadlines are hanging over my head and I shall blame them for my dearth of posts...
After Nov 6th I will be back in normal form ;-)
ciao & wish me luck.
why whats so special abt Nov 6th? And if cereal tastes sinfully delicious with chocolate milk...why give it up? U can have it both ways right?
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