SSK Chronicles

Everything here is straight from my heart : nuthin more nuthin less. This is my place to pour out the Emotions smouldering within me...

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Location: West Lafayette, Indiana, United States

hmm I think of myself as paradoxical : A non vegetarian who doesnt like to kill or hurt other living things, A ceaseless romantic who sometimes thinks that relationships are just not worth gettin into since someone eventually gets hurt, A dreamer who ends up being more realistic, A pessimist who hides his optimism in pessimism & finally just another normal human being.

Saturday, July 08, 2006


Lots of times I think that i shud blog about an incident but then I just forget to actually write it here.

One such thiings was about the absolute fight for survival of mother and child.
I overheard a conversation while I was on a bus in minnesota.

A young mother of a 3 year old child was saying that her age was 20 ( it doesn't take a genius to figure out that she attained motherhood when she was only 17). She was telling her colleague how she was doing 2 jobs and was looking for a third one.

I admire her for having the courage for taking care of her baby and putting in all the effort to raise her.
In USA if someone is unable to take care of a cihld they are legally allowed to give away their children to (i think) children homes where the children will be placed with some other parents.
This young girl could have done that but instead she is working 3 jobs.

I wish her the very best and I hope her daughter will look after her after she grows old.

long live motherhood.


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