things that caught my attention
In the course of my stay in the USA i am sure i will come across many more surprises.
I am just listing a few now:
1) I saw a catchy ad in the newspaper saying in big letters "90 Dollars only" & below it "Divorce", the ad was for a divorce lawyer. I hope such ads will not be appearing in India.
2) During a meeting , I was just chatting with my clients when the talk turned towards the use of meth ( crystal meth : a drug) by college kids..a 29 year old guy told us that he advised his kid sister who was going to college that she could try Sex, booze and even cocaine BUT definitely not Meth as Meth wud ruin the person.
Good advice !!!
Initially i was struck by this elder brother's advice ..i mean come on how many times have you heard someone advice his/her sister that she can have sex but not drugs :-)
3) Here the consumers are truly the king..for instance in Wells Fargo Bank the lady at the counter advised me to take the money order from the post office as it would be only 50 ccents while it wud cost 5 dollars at the bank.
This would not have happened in India :-(
Working in the USA will certainly benefit me in a lot of ways.. I am experiencing and learning a lot of things.
I am just listing a few now:
1) I saw a catchy ad in the newspaper saying in big letters "90 Dollars only" & below it "Divorce", the ad was for a divorce lawyer. I hope such ads will not be appearing in India.
2) During a meeting , I was just chatting with my clients when the talk turned towards the use of meth ( crystal meth : a drug) by college kids..a 29 year old guy told us that he advised his kid sister who was going to college that she could try Sex, booze and even cocaine BUT definitely not Meth as Meth wud ruin the person.
Good advice !!!
Initially i was struck by this elder brother's advice ..i mean come on how many times have you heard someone advice his/her sister that she can have sex but not drugs :-)
3) Here the consumers are truly the king..for instance in Wells Fargo Bank the lady at the counter advised me to take the money order from the post office as it would be only 50 ccents while it wud cost 5 dollars at the bank.
This would not have happened in India :-(
Working in the USA will certainly benefit me in a lot of ways.. I am experiencing and learning a lot of things.
London Rocks. US Sucks. :-p
@anonymous who is subbu
hey subbu dont get too excited on ur first trip outside india..
u havent seen the USA and I havent seen the UK so we cannot judge them so easily :P ..
So sit back and enjoy the ride dude .. who cares what rocks and what sucks ;)
the culture/environment shock is much lesser in london compared to the US da. I didnt find myself out of place when i came here but for the infrastructure. thts not the case in the US. anyway the pound rocks in comparison to the dollar too :D
dei subbu unnake konchum overra illa ??? u have never even touched the soil of usa..& ur talking bout the culture shock ???
my dear boy however much the pound rocks .. the cost of eveerything is more in UK than in USA think carefully bout the pros of the UK pounds ;)
Muahahaha... India rocks...
No culture shocks...
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