SSK Chronicles

Everything here is straight from my heart : nuthin more nuthin less. This is my place to pour out the Emotions smouldering within me...

My Photo
Location: West Lafayette, Indiana, United States

hmm I think of myself as paradoxical : A non vegetarian who doesnt like to kill or hurt other living things, A ceaseless romantic who sometimes thinks that relationships are just not worth gettin into since someone eventually gets hurt, A dreamer who ends up being more realistic, A pessimist who hides his optimism in pessimism & finally just another normal human being.

Monday, August 25, 2008

Looking back

Yep this blog is about to complete 4 years. It started here in September 2004.
A part of my first blog post:
"Hmm for starters, here i am workin at infy having finished college just a year back.
what wud be really kool is , if i got to travel around.

okei i should continue later......... "

Ha ha wow I did sound a little naive back then huh :) I did satisfy my wish to travel around. I went to so many places here in the USA, then there was Paris and then of course Beijing and Shanghai.

Of course there are many many more places to see and I hope to be fortunate to see them too.

For some who have read my blog.. they will have seen posts on so many various subjects but I guess most of them are my reflections on certain things happening in my life. I would have complained bout love since I still dont understand how it works and also recently about marriages in general.

I have one more year of B school to go and I have been lucky to have my friends stick with me for this ride. The blog posting rate will decrease as school work increases.

Its interesting to see the various locations that people have accessed my blog.. people from India and Usa have been the most common.. recently I am seeing an interested reader from Taiwan.. thank you all for dropping in. I know I am not so entertaining .. all you get to read is a slice of my life ;) dont form an opinion about me just based on my blog .. I might be a far better human being on sight :p

Well I look forward to an eventful year...wish me luck.

Tuesday, August 19, 2008

things i might do if i stay single all my life

Some things that I might do if I stay single all my life.... of course this would disappoint a lot of people.

I am just letting my imagination run wild here.. i do hope I can do a few of these even if I am married.

Explore Australia, Africa and Latin America

Go to Hawaii and live like a beach bum for a month, just hopping across the islands and doing work that would pay just for that day.

Learn Sky diving & Surfing

Climb Mt.Everest

This is a working list and I shall update it when I think if anything else.. ;-)

Tuesday, August 05, 2008

its never easy saying goodbye

Last weekend was the Summer Commencement and a few of my dear one year MBA friends graduated. It is hard to realize that I wont be seeing their faces in Rawls hall anymore :(
I am so used to talking with a few of them and joking with them ..but now they have all gone to different parts of the USA and some will eventually return to their country too. I wish them all a great life and hope their dreams do come true.

I am already afraid of the end of my 2 year program because I am really not prepared to say goodbye to a special girl. But I know she is more comfortable returning home to Taiwan than staying alone in the USA, since she loves her family and misses them a lot. I want whats best for her..

Unfortunately the people that I have grown most comfortable with, are some of my friends from Taiwan. Thanks to them I have been able to appreciate chinese culture and of course authentic chinese food. I never knew that in chinese restaurants there is a seperate menu for the people who speak chinese and they have authentic chinese dishes in it....NOT the silly american chinese food like Kung Pao chicken etc ;) One of them even talks to me in chinese without even realizing that I dont understand a single word ...ha ha ha fun times that I should try and remember forever.

Any future chinese restaurant visit WILL NEVER be the same...I will certainly miss them. But I suppose I can say I have a home in Taiwan to go to ;)

Over the years we meet many people and make many friends. A few make an impact on you and a few just drift away as time and distance erodes the relationship.

I have a good group of friends from under grad..maybe one from high school ...& I am uncertain how many will remain from grad school after a few years go by .....

This is to all my friends out there ...THANK YOU. you have all been an essential part of my life even though I may not have been in touch with you I do remember you... when I look back at old photos your memories overpower my senses with all the experiences we have had together.