SSK Chronicles

Everything here is straight from my heart : nuthin more nuthin less. This is my place to pour out the Emotions smouldering within me...

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Location: West Lafayette, Indiana, United States

hmm I think of myself as paradoxical : A non vegetarian who doesnt like to kill or hurt other living things, A ceaseless romantic who sometimes thinks that relationships are just not worth gettin into since someone eventually gets hurt, A dreamer who ends up being more realistic, A pessimist who hides his optimism in pessimism & finally just another normal human being.

Sunday, October 03, 2004

iraq vs afghanistan

i got to see the first debate between bush & kerry.
It seemed to me that neither of them were very sure of what to do in iraq or afghanistan.
I don't get it, the US of A supplied arms to afghanistan to fight against Russia, similarly they supplied arms to Iraq to fight against Iran. But now they are creating war in iraq & afghan to establish peace. What's up with them ????
Now kerry is accusing bush that he Should protect his country & not go to war against other countries, & bush is saying he is wiping out terrorism.
Unfortunately Bush is only fuelling terrorism & eventually the attack on Iraq is goin to be worse than vietnam Bush has set the ball rolling & i don't think the new prez (whoever it may be) can stop the blitzkrieg that may follow.
I just pray that some sense may prevail & a solution can be obtained.
Both afghan & iraq had it's share of violence. but thank god there was no holocaust like in WWII.
There seems to be more & more kidnappings in iraq, but what do the terrorists achieve by beheading innocents. mebbe they shud try & catch the big bosses who are sitting pretty at a safe haven & ordering their minions to fight.

what's this world coming to....
was the arms race promoted by industrialists who wanted to make money.
Was the iraq war for OIL ????
who knows the answers ...............


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